sharju's blog en Why Current Ride-Share Legislation Should Pass the State Legislature <span>Why Current Ride-Share Legislation Should Pass the State Legislature</span> <div><div class="lantern-top"> <div class="career-cover"><a href="Lantern"><h class="lantern-title">THE LANTERN</h></a></div> </div> </div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/2" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">sharju</span></span> <span>Fri, 02/24/2017 - 14:32</span> <div class="lantern-art-title">Why Current Ride-Share Legislation Should Pass the State Legislature</div> <div class="lantern-image"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/max_650x650/public/2017-02/Judy%20%20Keats%202_0.JPG?itok=FIfrm48f" width="650" height="433" alt="LCF Adult Vision Rehabilitation Supervisor with her guide dog Keats" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div class="lantern-content"><p>Last summer, our adult services supervisor, Judy Mathews, penned an opinion piece in the Orlando Sentinel, as a way to educate and inform the public about state and federal laws governing public accommodations for individuals using service animals because of a disability.<br /> <br /> Judy wrote this piece after dealing with a series of denial of service incidents by ride share drivers (Uber &amp; Lyft tech platforms) who refused her as a passenger because she was traveling with her guide dog, Keats.<br /> <br /> Legislation currently before the state legislature would regulate ride-share companies (aka Transportation Network Companies), like Uber and Lyft in all 67 Florida counties. In this latest piece Judy offers her take on the legislative implications for paratransit and the transportation disadvantaged community.<br /> <br /> ***<br /> <br /> Several months ago, I used this space to comment on a disturbing trend that was tracking nationally and beginning to creep up locally. Drivers operating on the technological platforms of ride-share companies like Uber and Lyft were unlawfully denying service to passengers traveling with guide dogs.<br /> <br /> As someone who is completely blind and uses a guide dog, this issue is of paramount importance to me. This is why I am so heartened at the prospect of a bill passing in the state legislature, which would regulate ride-share companies in all 67 Florida counties.<br /> <br /> The bill, titled Transportation Network Companies (TNCs), in both the House (HB221) and State Senate (SB340), focuses on three main components: riders’ safety, minimum insurance standards, and consumer protections.<br /> <br /> The measures most relevant to the community of blind and visually impaired codify rules requiring TNCs to adopt non-discrimination policies. Specifically, the bill: (1) requires a TNC to adopt a policy of nondiscrimination with respect to riders and potential riders and to notify TNC drivers of such policy; (2) requires TNC drivers to comply with the nondiscrimination policy and certain applicable laws regarding nondiscrimination and accommodation of service animals; and (3) prohibits a TNC from imposing additional charges for providing services to persons who have physical disabilities.<br /> <br /> But let’s be clear here, the issue of service animals is already a settled one. Under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and existing Florida law, state and local governments, businesses and non-profit organizations that serve the public generally must allow service animals to accompany people with disabilities in all areas of the facility where the public is normally allowed to go--in this case the vehicle of a ride-share driver.<br /> <br /> Like countless others around the country, I have, on multiple occasions, been the victim of unlawful denial of service by ride share drivers who were either ignorant of the law or willfully broke it. These humiliating slights should never happen. This legislation unambiguously lays out what is required of a TNC and the drivers who use their platforms. Of course advocates like me, from around the state, have offered ourselves up to TNCs operating locally, to help train their drivers and better sensitize them on how to properly accommodate passengers who are blind and visually impaired, and who may be traveling with a guide dog. If passed, we also pledge to remain vigilant and document any flouting of the law.<br /> <br /> Blindness is a disability that often classifies individuals as transportation disadvantaged. According to the Florida statute, Transportation disadvantaged means “those persons who because of physical or mental disability, income status, or age, are unable to transport themselves or purchase transportation, and are, therefore, dependent upon others to obtain access to health care, employment, education, shopping, social activities, or other life-sustaining activities …”<br /> <br /> Paratransit systems are often the only realistic means of transportation available to the transportation disadvantaged, and here in Central Florida, that means having to rely on Access Lynx. Because regional paratransit is a shared-ride service that comes with its own challenges, having a fully regulated ride-share alternative, provided by TNCs, greatly increases transportation options by offering flexibility, convenience and on-demand service to transportation disadvantaged communities.<br /> <br /> Of course this begs the question, ‘if these communities are so disadvantaged, how many of these individuals can afford the smart phones needed to access the platforms on which ride-share companies operate, let alone consistently pay the fares that ride-share companies charge?’.<br /> <br /> The Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA) is currently running an innovative pilot program with ride-share companies, Uber and Lyft, to explore how it could increase accessibility in a more cost effective way and deliver that service in a more convenient way.<br /> <br /> According to the MBTA’s press release on the initiative titled the On-Demand Paratransit Pilot Program, ‘ride-share pilot participants will have on-demand service available via their smartphone app or the phone-in option and pay the first $2.00 of the trip. The MBTA will pick up the next $13.00 of the trip, with the customer picking up any remaining trip costs.’<br /> <br /> To his credit, new LYNX CEO, Edward Johnson, recognizes the challenges of a shared-ride paratransit system and has publically acknowledged that ride-share companies like Uber and Lyft could play a role in helping make our regional paratransit options more convenient and flexible with their on-demand capacity. This would be a win-win for everyone.<br /> <br /> <br /> **********</p> </div> <div class="back-to-lantern"><a href="/Lantern">Back to The Lantern</a></div> Fri, 24 Feb 2017 19:32:54 +0000 sharju 56 at Volunteer Spotlight: Dr. Justine Siergey <span>Volunteer Spotlight: Dr. Justine Siergey</span> <div><div class="lantern-top"> <div class="career-cover"><a href="Lantern"><h class="lantern-title">THE LANTERN</h></a></div> </div> </div> <span><span lang="" about="/user/2" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">sharju</span></span> <span>Fri, 02/24/2017 - 09:12</span> <div class="lantern-art-title">Volunteer Spotlight: Dr. Justine Siergey</div> <div class="lantern-image"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/max_650x650/public/2017-02/Justine%20Siergey1.jpg?itok=6so3Cy7w" width="463" height="650" alt="Portrait photo of Dr. Justine Siergey" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </div> <div class="lantern-content"><p>Volunteer leaders are essential ambassadors that help carry the message and mission of a particular cause. Lighthouse is honored to have a dedicated group of volunteers who selflessly go the extra mile, giving of their time, talent and even treasure to ensure issues related to Central Florida's blind and visually impaired are properly elevated in the community and that our clients receive the highest quality service. One such volunteer leader is Justine Siergey, a 29 year-old optometrist who serves on Lighthouse's Young Executives Committee as co-chair and chairs the Logistics committee for Lighthouse's Sight &amp; Sole WalkFest.<br /> <br /> This month's Volunteer Spotlight features Justine:<br /> <br /> LCF: Are you a native Central Floridian? If not, from where? How long in region?<br /> <br /> JS: I am originally from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and traveled around a lot through my education and training. I've been in the Orlando area for almost five years now.<br /> <br /> LCF: Why and how did you get into optometry?<br /> <br /> JS: I am an optometrist that specializes in fitting contact lenses on diseased and damaged eyes. I also give lectures to educate other doctors and professionals on contact lens fittings and advancements. I always knew I wanted to be in health care and helping people make the most of their eyes and visual system has been incredibly rewarding.<br /> <br /> LCF: How do you apply your profession to your involvement w/Lighthouse?<br /> <br /> JS: I am fortunate to have a lot of training with the eyes and visual system and it really helps me to gain perspective and understanding of people who benefit from Lighthouse's services.<br /> <br /> LCF: When did you first learn about Lighthouse Central Florida?<br /> <br /> JS: I had learned about the national Lighthouse organizations while in school and when I started in Florida I knew it would be a great resource for my patients.<br /> <br /> LCF: What was it about the Lighthouse mission that compelled you to get involved?<br /> <br /> JS: In my career I have seen a lot of different people with visual limitations, some of whom excel in every aspect of their lives and others who let it define and limit them. The work at Lighthouse is so importance as it empowers people and provides the support needed for them to be their best.<br /> <br /> LCF: What was the first engagement activity in which you participated?<br /> <br /> JS: Party in the Park was the first activity that I attended for Lighthouse. It felt so great to be part of an organization that provides such a vital service to our community. I also ran in to several of my patients who had benefited from the services.<br /> <br /> LCF: What has been your role in Sight &amp; Sole over the years?<br /> <br /> JS: I've tried to help wherever needed. I was a committee member for the entertainment chair, then the co-chair for entertainment and this year I am the logistics chair. Its a lot of fun to be involved in different roles and to help out in something so different from my day to day work.<br /> <br /> LCF: What is your role with the Young Executives Committee?<br /> <br /> JS:I started out as a member, then became the vice-chair and this year I am the co-chair of the Young Executive Committee. I've tried to help out in organizing and bringing the group together and I've also recruited a few members.<br /> <br /> LCF: Why do you feel this committee is important to extending the mission of Lighthouse?<br /> <br /> JS: Lighthouse is an amazing organization that provides such vital services to our community. Our little YEC committee encourages young professionals to get involved and we try very hard to increase awareness and fundraise for the cause.<br /> <br /> <br /> **********</p> </div> <div class="back-to-lantern"><a href="/Lantern">Back to The Lantern</a></div> Fri, 24 Feb 2017 14:12:37 +0000 sharju 55 at