“Anything a person does in their daily living has to be relearned when their vision is lost. All key aspects of daily living, that you would take for granted, are Independent Living Skills."

How Independent Living Skills Help You
Creating a mindset away from dependency to empowerment and confidence is the overarching goal of our services. Independent Living Skills (ILS) training is designed for persons who lose their vision late in life, but is threaded through all of our program services. ILS training provides individuals with improved ability to perform activities of daily living with adaptations for vision impairment.For non-working adults, relearning how to navigate their environment is critical in maintaining independence despite vision loss or blindness. Tasks such as pouring liquids, labeling personal and household items, getting the mail and cooking can be done with less frustration. Participants in the ILS training classes receive adjustment to blindness counseling and self-advocacy skills that empower them to interact more effectively with family, friends, employers and the community.
For working age adults, learning how to maintain their responsibilities of holding a job and providing for a family are critical. ILS training for these individuals includes crossover interaction with Lighthouse Access Technology training, which teaches individuals to learn adaptive technology tools allowing them to maintain their skills of computer applications and communications, checking emails and keeping up with their professional lives and careers.

Losing your vision later in life means having to re-learn skills that help with the common activities of daily living, and in turn promote independence.

ILS training provides individuals with improved ability to perform activities of daily living with adaptations for vision impairment.

Relearning how to navigate your environment is critical in maintaining independence despite vision loss or blindness.